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Melbourne Centenary 1834-1934 6th City of Empire

Melbourne Centenary 1834-1934 6th City of Empire

Click on the Globe Icons to visit historic places on this map. Come back regularly as more places will be added after research by Hidden Melbourne.

The Melbourne Centenary was a 1934 centennial celebration of the founding of the city of Melbourne, Australia. As Victoria reeled from the severe economic and social fracturing of the Great Depression, its Centenary celebrated progress and community cohesion. Held between October 1934 and June 1935, the Centenary in fact celebrated two ‘foundation' events, firstly commemorating Edward Henty's Portland settlement on 19 November 1834 as the first white settlement in what would later become the state of Victoria, then John Batman's pronouncement of the area upstream of the Yarra River as ‘the place for a village', taken as the city's foundation, on 8 June 1835. Source: Wikipedia

1890-2021 Metropolitan Gas Company

1890-2021 Metropolitan Gas Company

Panorama from Metropolitan Gas Company 2021 (Now Torrens University)

Three other panoramas have been added to show the view of Melbourne from Flinders Street. We have attributed them all to Robert Vere Scott, active at that time, using a Cirkut Camera to capture wide views.

The dates are not all certain but have been assigned approximately as ca1910 (from the Ball & Welch building balcony?), ca1900 from the East side tower of St Pauls and ca1890 from the west tower. The spires were added in the 1900s.

Click on the year button on the lower right to see the view at that time, which shows the remarkable development of Melbourne. Click on the “View” or “Visit” hotspot flags to be transported through time and space.

2021 Captured by HiddenMelbourne, ca1910 SLV H2006.48 , ca1900 SLV H96.160/1035, ca1890 SLV H96.160/923

Salvation Army Museum

Salvation Army Museum

The Salvation Army Museum, preserves and presents Salvo history. It features the Limelight Department film studio.

Kensington Town Hall

Kensington Town Hall

The Kensington Town Hall is a beautiful classical style building, located in Bellair Street, Kensington constructed in 1901.


Melbourne 1838-2021

Melbourne 1838-2021

Time travel with Hidden Melbourne all the way from earliest settlement up to the present day.